Creating mTLS reverse proxy with Ktor

If you like to integrate with external security systems, then you have probably come across such a thing as Mutual TLS (also known as TLS mutual authentication or mTLS). There is nothing particularly difficult in such integration. Except for two nuances:

  1. Integration will have to be done in each service
  2. In each service you need to put client certificates for passing the mTLS handshake

And if you can somehow live and put up with the first nuance, then the second already causes much more problems and leads to sad faces of your security team. To make them happy again, and at the same time eliminate the need to write the same code in each service, can be made by a smart reverse proxy, which will take all the hardships and hardships handshake related and possibly some other additional logic. We will do this farm on Ktor, because why not;)

To make them happy again, and at the same time get rid of the need to write the same code in each service, we will write a smart reverse proxy which will take care of all hardships associated with an mTLS handshake and other security logic. I will implement all these things with Ktor, because why not ;)

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